News, etc.

Atomic Books of Baltimore MD has started selling Dokkiri. I assume you can get it through their website. If there are other book or music stores that want wholesale prices (starting with orders of five or more copies) let us know.


The first draft of the translation of Gaseneta Wasteland is now finished. There will be some polishing, and possibly negotiation with the folks at Disk Union about including some kind of CD with the book. Shouldn't be too long.


I have started to translate Mikami Kan's autobiography. It's another weeks-long project, but it is fun to read and think about. Hopefully the finished product will include other writing by Mikami, including other autobiographical writing, lyrics, etc. Again hoping some kind of CD can be part of the package. Working title is A Life in Folk and Other Bitter Songs.


I farmed out work on Wajima Yusuke's history of post-war Japanese pop music to a kid I know and she hasn't pursued it with the same passion I have, so we are behind schedule on that. Still hoping to get all of these out by around year-end.

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